Ethiopians return to unrestricted internet use after 5-month lockdown

After five months of blocking access, the Government of Ethiopia has lifted internet restrictions on major social media platforms. Services such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok and YouTube were all affected by the restrictions initially imposed on February 9th, 2023. The measure was imposed in response to anti-government protests stemming from tensions within the Ethiopian […]

What is an architectural curator?

A curator can work on many different scales, but what is common is a careful selection of exhibiting and explaining concepts in a world of excess with absolute care and concern. According to experienced curators, curating today goes far beyond traditional art exhibitions to include forms of cultural events and platforms.  The practice of architecture […]

Ecosystem restoration leaders win the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity

Three inspiring personalities have been honoured with the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity 2023 in recognition of their leadership restoring and protecting vital ecosystems: Bandi “Apai Janggut”, customary community leader (Indonesia), Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet, activist and agronomist (Cameroon) and Lélia Wanick Salgado, environmentalist, designer and scenographer (Brazil). The Jury, chaired by former Federal Chancellor of Germany, […]

Reverse futurism explored by Kenyan architecture studio

Cave_bureau is a Kenyan architecture studio that is in the spotlight at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, with the exhibition exploring the country’s volcanic caves and emphasising the concept of ‘reverse futurism’. Cave_bureau believes that by looking to the past, it can develop sustainable solutions for the future. The work takes visitors on a […]

Black Rock 2023-2024 welcomes 16 artists in residence in Senegal

The Black Rock residency programme in Senegal will host a group of 16 artistsfrom different practices from around the world in the edition starting in August2023 until May 2024.The residency will host the artists in differentiated periods lasting from one tothree months, at the Black Rock complex in the capital Dakar, which offersmulti-storey flats and […]
