
LIFE DESIGN: Identity and Mobility in the 21st Century

For the third edition of the MFF, the theme “Life Design: Identity and Mobility in the 21st Century” was explored. The theme debated some of the paradoxes and challenges that affect contemporary societies.

Among the most flagrant paradoxes, we have, on the one hand, technologies that have globalised communication between everyone, allowing each of us to simultaneously adopt multiple identities (gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, profession and more) and this, on the other hand, has stimulated the aspiration for permanent mobility. Globalisation would be the corollary of a world without borders and the consecration of a permanent flow of ideas, goods, services and people.

The “design of life” is thus played out today, at individual and collective level, on multiple fronts and will require decisive choices on which it is important to reflect and act.




Opening party

